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I Value Getting Tested

Stories Of Promise

I get tested for HIV and STIs because my values dictate that I get tested when I enter a new relationship with someone. Someone close to me explained that it was a good idea to do that, and it made sense to me. I didn’t always practice this previously because I didn’t care enough about myself or the other person. Earlier this year, I met a woman and together we decided that we would both get tested. We had the same values surrounding that. We also discussed sharing our test results, which I think is a good idea. She knew of a place where I could get tested for free.

Getting tested has always been an easy experience for me. I went to the free clinic my new partner suggested, and I didn’t have to wait very long, even as a walk-in. At this appointment, they asked me some questions about my sexual practices and substance use. I signed consent forms, then they drew my blood. Getting my blood drawn is relatively easy and painless. I also got my finger pricked, and they did a swab of my throat. The whole process took less than 10 minutes. It was relatively quick, easy, and free, which was the best part.

During my appointment, they mentioned something called PrEP, which is taken as a daily pill or bi-monthly injection, to reduce the chance of getting HIV. I wasn’t interested in it at the time, but it was good information to receive in case I change my mind. I can tell friends about it too, which they suggested. I learned that I could receive PrEP for free as well. Afterward, I felt kind of relieved that I had gone through the process. It was just nice knowing that I was doing something for my health. It made me feel good.

I believe it took less than a week to get my test results. Once I got my results, I notified the woman I was seeing, and we discussed them. We both came back non-reactive for all of our tests. We were thrilled that we could move forward with our relationship. It was such an easy-going process from start to finish and it’s something I’ll definitely continue to implement moving forward. Anyone who doesn’t want to get tested with you before intimacy is not worth your time!

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