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Happy, Safe, and Free

Stories Of Promise

I wanted to get tested because I’ve been taking control of my health now that I’m sober. I’ve been focusing on doing everything I can to get and stay healthy. Before going into detox, I had never been tested to my knowledge. While in treatment I was tested twice. Then, I had unprotected sex with three men and didn’t get tested during that time.

When I was in active addiction, I had the same partner for 12 years, so we didn’t use protection. Even though I was in a very long-term committed relationship, you never know. I thought it was the healthy, right decision to go get tested for my sanity and the protection of my future partners. I want to be a safe, smart, sex partner. I think it’s important we have that communication and openness to show each other our test results if we’re going to engage in sexual acts. I don’t want to be sexually active with someone who isn’t willing to show me their test results because I love and respect myself now.

I had a friend who kept mentioning getting tested and told me where I could go for free. Her being so open about it let me know that it wasn’t hard; it was easy. I had no worries about it, and I felt confident that the facility was practicing sanitary standards, confidentiality and all that stuff. It really was easy getting tested. I walked in and told the receptionist why I was there. I only had to wait a few minutes, and they called me into a private testing room. It was a quick poke, and they took some blood. They did a throat swab, and I peed in a cup. It did hurt a little bit, but it was tolerable. It was worth it to know my status though.

I feel a sense of relief after getting tested. I feel free to have sex knowing that I won’t cause harm to my future partner. It’s important to me to protect myself and my loved ones. I was nervous about possibly having HIV, but now I have a card I can keep in my wallet that shows I am HIV negative. I feel a bit of pride that I went and did it. Some people might be scared to go do it, but I feel happy, safe, and free knowing my status.

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