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Rebuilding a home & haven for those living with HIV

Featured stories of promise

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Stay Sober, Take Your Meds

I found out I was HIV positive last year; I went with a friend. They were going to get tested, and I figured, “I'm here, why not get it done?” It was my birthday, so it’s only been about a year and a couple of months now since I found out. Before that, I never really thought about it. It had been a few years, like about five years prior to that, that I had been tested. At the time of that test, I was negative for HIV.

I was actively using drugs, and I wasn't concerned about my health. I didn’t practice any safe sex. It was just random people sometimes, and you know, whomever I was getting drugs from. There was no protection or safety. At that time, I wasn’t concerned about it. My drug of choice was methamphetamine. I used and shared needles too.

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It's Still A Movement

In 1988, when I got diagnosed, there was not a lot of information on AIDS. At that time, AIDS was for gay men. That's just how I remember the media hyping it up. A gay man's disease. The plague for being gay. I tried to gather more information after my diagnosis. I was also in a chronic addiction, so the idea I had when I found out was that I was going to die.

I dove deeper into my drug addiction and remained in denial about my diagnosis. I started my first treatment regimen in 1994. I was taking like four different pills. I still, because of my addiction, didn't really believe that I was going to live through this. I thought that these pills were just going to sustain me a little bit longer.

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